In the latest installment of The Collaborative music video series, Troy indie folk-rock band Blue Ranger performs three songs (“4-9,” “Ah My,” “Don’t Mean a Thing”) from their album Saving a Beauty (Five Kill Records) at the DIY venue Chateau in Albany.
Upon its release in October 2018, Uproxx called the record “cinematic … which dips in and out of fiction and reality like a reverie, could absolutely, effectively double as a movie soundtrack.”
Special thanks to Derick Noetzel, Bonnie Mason and Dan Maddalone for filming and editing the video and sound, as well as the Chateau for sharing the performance space. You can check out more performances at the DIY venue via Chateau Shows, featuring artists like Pile and Lomelda as well as local musicians The Sea The Sea, Girl Blue and Geoff Gordon.
You can watch more local artist—including Olivia Quillio, The Age and Chris Cool Peeples—perform at the Schenectady Armory in our ongoing “Three Songs with…” music series on The Collaborative YouTube channel.